
League Provides Further Direction on Employee Vaccination Registration Process — 2/15/21

Credit unions seeking vaccination information for their essential employees received further clarification from League President Ken Watts in a February 15 email update. The League had been previously notified by state officials in January that trade associations would be involved in collecting employee data and forwarding it to the state, but that has changed.

“There is new information to share with you about the process for credit union employees to register to obtain their COVID-19 vaccination,” Watts stated. “This process has changed substantially since the outset and it has been difficult to communicate with those who could provide details on the proper path to follow. However, I recently spoke with the Director of the WV Department of Health and Human Services and he provided the following details on getting employees registered.”

Registration Process

Watts went on to say, “ALL employees, regardless of age, who are WV residents need to register INDIVIDUALLY through the state's new Everbridge system. This can be accomplished either through their website ( or by calling the WV COVID-19 Vaccine Info Line at 1-833-734-0965. Additional information on the registration system was attached to his email.

Setting up your account

Watts stressed that each individual will need to set up their own account, obtain a password, and be able to complete their own profile. As part of the profile, information will be included that includes the individual's occupation, and it is in this area that employees can indicate that they work for a credit union. If they use the toll-free number, they can provide that information to the individual who is entering it into the system.

State resident-based vaccinations

Since vaccinations are being distributed to states based upon population, non-WV residents will need to follow the vaccination process established by their resident state.

Changes to Previous Announcement

“We had originally understood that the League might have a role in the vaccination process and we were ready to assist if that had been the case. However, with the introduction of the Everbridge registration process, each person needs to register individually," Watts explained.

“We realize this has been a confusing process, but it appears the process described above is the path for everyone to follow,” he added.

Watts encouraged League member credit unions to reach out to the League should they have any questions.

Further information can be found on the League’s COVID-19 resource page.

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